Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pomo vs PoMo

What is postmodernism?
The breaking down of the barrier between kitch and art; the cross pollination of Culture industry and avant-garde; the love child of bourgeoise and proletariat; the seizure mixing id and superego; it is sublime.
(ignore the part about government)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Originals and Originality

I mistakenly stumbled into some reading about another Baudrillard essay that clarifies his concept of Simulacra using the story On Exactitude in Science by Jorge Luis Borges where map makers make a huge map that is so accurate it eventually covers the entire city. This is a fictional story when it was written, however, today, we live with the real version of it...... now we just wait for civilization to crumble....or is it already...